How do you feel about parrots? Wouldn’t you love to have??a pet??parrot that??was??consistently??sarcastic and yet worked??hard to make your dream like fantasies a reality? Not many people??can??handle??keeping??a sassy bird as their right-hand man. It takes a strong personality. A personality that the surly and??suave??Jaffar??rocks with every fiber of his being. You know what they say: villains of a feather flock together.????
This hat will give your evil plots plenty of that??Va??Va??Voom??your schemes??need. Whether you plan on taking over the kingdom of??Agrabah??or you simply want to find that magical lamp, this hat is a must. The black background is highlighted with a gorgeous stripe of gold and accented with a ruby jewel and fanned with a red fabric feather. A velvet cloth hangs in back,??completing??the dramatic look. All you need now is that famous twisty beard!??
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