Don’t Try This at Home??
Of all the different kinds of scientists to be, a mad scientist sounds like the most fun. They operate outside the world of checklists and safety. If they want to run an untried experiment using a highly volatile space rock they found, they’re just going to go with it and ignore proper procedure. It makes them awesome! Also, it makes them potentially radioactive.??
Product Details
Be properly equipped for your next big experiment with this pair of exclusive Energetic Inventor Gloves for Adults! The yellow unisex gloves are easy to slip on and are printed with the symbol for toxic waste.??
Handle with Care
Show the world your genius with a genius costume, complete with matching gloves! Even if you don’t have your own lab, you can still make up all kinds of fun answers when someone asks about your latest experiment. Are you planning to create a mutant species by cross-breeding dinosaur DNA with a corgi? Awesome! Are you sure??that your pet won’t eat the guests???
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