Where??would Halloween Town be without Jack??Skellington? His scare techniques bring a little extra charm to the basic spooking of the other citizens. The best trick? His dramatic??Shakespearean??recitations! Who would think to mix classy culture with fear? Well, we all know that the??Pumpkin King??is??a pretty debonair guy even if his Christmas schemes can be a little boneheaded. (Ha! Get it? Yeah, we know, it’s a stretch.) In the end, though it all ends up??okay,??Christmas Town gets Santa back in time. That’s good, right???
Well, if you want to go as??a character??that??everyone loves then??Jack is a sure bet. This mask represents him perfectly with a wide grin, soulful empty eyes, and the smooth, round shape. Get yourself a pin-striped suit and you’re almost there. . . now all you need to do is??memorize??some Shakespeare! This pairs perfectly with our gorgeous Sally costumes to make your Halloween Instagram perfect. It’s totally worth it, after all, this is Halloween!??
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