When you’re all suited up in you Hogwarts robes,??accessorizing??can be challenging. Small jewelry gets swallowed up in the deep folds, anything too big might get caught up when you???re mixing??ingredients??up when you’re brewing up a mixture in potions class. The last thing you want to do is make??Snape??mad simply because of your vanity! Yikes!??
When you’re heading back to Hogwarts, you need this??Ravenclaw??infinity scarf. It’s light enough to wander the school grounds in on a hot day, warm enough to provide some comfort as you climb the chilly stairs of Professor??Trelawny’s??tower. The black, blue, and gray striped scarf is printed with a shield with a raven and a golden??Ravenclaw??scroll.??Represent??Ravenclaw, where the smart and savvy study! We know the fabulous Luna Lovegood would approve of you pairing this with your school robes. Hey, who knows, even Snape might think it’s pretty chic!????
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