Pockets Full of Posies
What is it about children???s nursery rhymes that makes them so creepy? Is it the typically darker nature of the meaning of the rhyme wrapped in a catchy tune sung by children? Probably a little bit. It is very incongruent to have children candidly singing songs about the black plague, like we have here. Maybe the nursery rhymes are only creepy based on their setting. We suppose we wouldn???t think twice about kids singing them in the park, but it becomes automatically super sketch to see kids singing them in the middle of a hotel hallway.
Well, whatever combination of factors it is that makes them so off-putting, we at are glad for it! It is such a great way to add some of that super creepiness to your spooky decorations.
Eyes on the Prize
We think that you???ll find that these dolls definitely hit that creepy note, as they spin around singing somewhat discordantly to one another. The way their arms are tied together helps lend some of that sense of wrongness to the decoration, which goes perfectly well with the fancy-ish clothing being all dirty and frayed. Honestly, the longer you look at it and listen to the song, the creepier it gets. Almost like they???re singing it just for you???
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