No Ordinary Stroll
Growing up amongst Pok??mon surely makes a person appreciate how exciting a walk through the park could become. Strolling down clean cobbled paths flanked by lush grasses, one just might hear a rustle. The rustle may simply be a Grass-type Pok??mon foraging for a sweet berry. Or it may be your chance to catch a starter Pok??mon and begin a journey unlike any other! Either way, however, there’d never be an ordinary day living in a world filled with Pok??mon.
Fun Details
Bring a bit of that excitement into your regular routine when you order these Irregular Choice Pok??mon Every Day is an Adventure Flats! The officially licensed loafer-style shoes come as a pair composed of differing designs. Both shoes feature a black and green zig-zag sole, a metallic silver and gold triangle trim, and the Pok??mon logo embroidered near the heel. However, the left shoe has an all-over-print of a grinning Bulbasaur, while the right shoe is decorated with an all-over print of a roaring Ivysaur. With this pair of casual footwear in your collection, every step is accompanied by Pok??mon!
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