More Magical Roses!
In the enchanted castle of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, there are a few things that are a bit more magical than others. Sure, the animated objects are amazing. (The fact that everyone is a talented singer suggests something pretty mystical is going on, too.)
However, hidden in the West Wing, you’ll find a gleaming rose that governs precisely how long the magic will stay in the kingdom. While we all cheered on when the curse was completed and everyone returned to their true forms, it does make some folks wish that the supernatural style of the castle could stick around for a while!
Fun Details
If you are looking for a way to keep the magic going for years to come, look no further than this officially licensed Adult Premium Disney Belle costume from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. This Made By Us design is inspired by the Disney Princess gown of your favorite book fanatic, Belle! Start with the layered golden dress, including a tulle underskirt and glittering bodice with off-the-shoulder straps.
A pair of matching gloves will give you the sophisticated style appropriate of a courtly dance in the ballroom, too. Of course, we haven’t forgotten the roses! The skirt features shining satin roses all along to ensure that every night can be magical!
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