A Very Corgi Christmas Ugly Christmas Sweater


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SKU: 6348200003791516 Category:


Is Corgi Best Boy? Not sure if Corgi is the best boy? Well, we thought we’d settle the question once and for all. We went ahead and made a pros and cons list about Corgis, just in case you were having any doubts about them! Corgi Pros: Has extra floofy bottom Makes best tail wiggles Easy to train Good doggo for the family Looks adorbs in a Santa hat Likes to play in the snow Likes to play, not in the snow Corgi Cons: Borks when hungry Borks when happy Borks when angry Borks at squirrels Borks at mailman Borks at Santa Claus Borks for no reason at all Corgi has no cons; Corgi is best boy! Fun Details What do Corgis have to do with Christmas? Nothing! Do we care? No heckin’ way! We take any chance we can to bring more Corgi into the world and this sweater seemed like a prime opportunity to get the cute little doggo involved with the yuletide celebrations. This Very Corgi Christmas Sweater is part of our exclusive line of ugly Christmas sweaters and it has the bestest boy of them all on the front, the Corgi! Wear it to the next ugly Christmas party to show the world that Christmas belongs to Corgis!

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