Monofilament Arena Netting


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SKU: 11557301225863935 Categories: ,


Monofilament Arena Netting Our Monofilament Arena plastic netting is made of mono-filament 1mm thick, 2-7 / 8 “diamond mesh with 3/16” (5mm) border rope and 10 ‘(3m) tie chords at each corner. Break strength up to 110 LBS as strong as top fishing line. Choice of 3 heights and 2 length for NHL or collegial ice rink size Protects Spectators, scoreboards and equipment from hockey pucks Transparent Rope border ready to install Detailed specifications of monofilament arena netting Protects spectators Scoreboards and equipment Hockey pucks Material : Plastic This product is available in our inventory. The delivery will be completed in the next 5-15 open days following the payment of the order. Hauteur: 12′, 15′, 20′; Longueur: 110′, 120’

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