Infant Baby Lamb Costume


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Be a Lamb Your little tot is cuddly and cute, and has developed an early affinity for costumes. Sounds like our kind of kid! On a recent trip to a petting zoo, you couldn’t help but notice that your babe took an instant liking to the lambs, sitting mesmerized as they ran one hand through the fleece; you’d never seen them so calm (your kid or a lamb). So, if your infant is essentially a lamb whisperer, this adorable Baby Lamb Infant Costume ought to be right up both of your alleys! And though there are quite a few differences between your child and a lamb, there is no mistaking the similar docile nature, joyful romping through the grass, and sweet sounds they both make. While dressing your baby in this costume won’t make them, say, sleep through the night, stop pulling the dog’s tail, or refrain from throwing a fit, we do think it will make them all the more cute while doing these things! And when they look up you and raise their arms to be carried because their little legs are just??so tired, well, we think you’ll be pretty charmed by the whole scene! Fun Details This adorbale romper is made from cozy chenille and fastens down the back, with stretchable elastic openings at the legs. It’s lined in mesh and features stuffing for a fuller-bodied effect. The hood fastens under the chin, and features darling floppy lamb ears! But perhaps the cutest feature are the fuzzy foot covers that basically look like your kid is wearing leg warmers. So. Cute. Bah! Bah! Listen, we know you wanted your baby’s first words to be Mama??or Papa,??but it is pretty cute that putting this costume on elicited a definitive Bah. Bahhhhhhhhh.??Adorable. Of course, it’s debatable that Bah is technically a word, so you can still hold out for that all-important moment, treasuring all the others in this cuddly costume! ??

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